Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day 24--Karma: even if it takes 24 years, it'll get you.

I don't remember his name, only that he was kind of a quiet kid.  Nice enough, from what I remember, but because I truly believe I've had some sort of memory loss "event" causing me to lose a big chunk of my high school experiences, I don't remember much about the kid.  I just remember that he asked me for a hug one day, and I guess because I was a brat or whatever, I answered, "sorry, fresh out."

Yes, please judge 15 year-old me for that.  She definitely deserves it.  I mean, I can certainly see lots of times where denying a hug request would not only be acceptable, it would be the only option.  Someone covered in bees.  Someone carrying a boa constrictor around his neck.  Someone with a bomb strapped to his chest.  Someone [insert scary or dangerous or even just sticky thing covering or attached to a person].  But, a relatively harmless chap who just needed a hug that day should really have gotten one. 

Don't worry; Karma got me back. 

Friday was a tough day for a few reasons, and I was at Stress Level Midnight.  (Any Michael Scott fans out there--Threat Level Midnight?)  And it wasn't anything I couldn't handle, but it was one of those times when I really missed knowing that someone would be waiting for me at home.  I wasn't missing my ExBf in particular; I was just missing having that other person who would be there to give you a great big hug and tell you everything is going to be alright.

On a really tough day when all I really wanted was a hug, and I didn't have anyone to give me one. 

Karma said, "Sorry, fresh out."  And laughed at how long it took for that one to come back around but very happy the card finally got played.

But the cool thing about Karma is that it apparently holds no long-term grudges.  Meaning that it got me back for the "fresh-out of hugs" mistake of my youth, and then moved on and let me have an amazing happy hour (that last for 6 hours) with great friends.  I had to spin for 2 hours to try and burn off the 6-hour happy hour but it was worth it. 

Now what I'm worried about in the Karma department is the Mudder:  I can't help but laugh when people fall down, slip, trip, stumble, faceplant.  I'm naturally clumsy (or maybe that's Karma's constant influence, getting me back for laughing at others shamelessly), so it doesn't take much for me to trip and fall.  In fact (very embarrassing story alert), I fell down in the shower just Friday.

That was actually the start of the "no hug--Stress Level Midnight" day.  Karma?  Hmmmm...

Yes, my very thorough housekeeper had left my shower very clean, and very, very slippery, and because I started running the water to get it nice and warm, the water and the cleaning stuff mixed to create a surface about as slick as the substance Clark Griswold used on the bottom of his sled in A Christmas Vacation, and I stepped in, and my foot went vertical as I went horizontal, trying to brace myself on the way down but only managing to scratch my arms all to heck.  No permanent damage, and I actually laughed at myself.

Anyway, here comes the Mudder with 25 obstacles, including fire and shocky-thingies and tunnels and mud and ice and on and on...I will wager that I fall down at least 25 times.  And Karma will be laughing each time.

Speaking of showers, I need one because I did another 2 hours of spin today, so I'm off to take one.  It's safe in there now...all the slip-inducing slickness is gone.  So no need to worry.

P90x in the a.m., followed by another shower.  Increasing my chances that Karma might be in a funny mood and take it out on me again.  Maybe I'll invest in some of those grippy little goldfish that kids and old people use in their showers just in case.

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