Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 20--Tony is PSYCHO!! And we can be, too!

Today was a big day for me in the world of pushupability.  I did 5 one-armed push-ups, on my knees of course, but come on--those are HARD!!  And I even managed to do 3 of the clap-in-the-middle kind without face-planting into my yoga mat.  (PS, it's called a yoga mat, but it doesn't ever get used for yoga because, as you know, I hate yoga.)  Anyone who knows me knows that I can manage to faceplant without trying a complicated and challenging push-up move, so the fact that I managed to save face (ha!) while doing it is HUGE for me!! 

It was comical, for sure.  It did not look pretty, no doubt.  But the girl on P90X looked to be doing about what I was doing, just more of it.  Not much range-of-motion on the one-armed push-ups for us ladies.  But the dudes, holy crap!!  That was beautiful to watch, which I did once I did all I thought I could do for today.  Very nice, P90X Helper Dudes. 

Tony, though, is a total and complete maniac.  I actually paused the video and took a picture of him to show y'all how insanely strong this guy is.  On the clappy-in-the-middle pushups, he actually gets airborne.  And I'm not talking a few inches off the ground.  The guy is Super-pushup-man.  Wow, is all I can say.  As you can see, he has cleared the two P90X Helper Dudes behind him.  That grey thing 3 feet down is the floor mat.  Holy crap!!  Check him out!!

Shout-out to one of my very favorite people in the whole wide world who is taking on the Mudder the same day I am, but several states away.  He's lucky enough to live in the luckiest city in the world--Las Vegas--and I think a Post-Mudder Vegas Celebration will be in order when we both recover from the Mudder.  And my challenge to my querido amigo is that we both do flying Psycho Tony push-ups at the party and impress all the party-goers, especially the hot pilot that he and his lovely bride will ensure is at the party to be specifically impressed with my Bad A$$ness. ;)  You up for the challenge, Querido Amigo (hereinafter "QA" in all future shout-outs)?? 

I probably won't be able to lift my arms up to brush my teeth tomorrow, so don't get too close if you see me coming. 

So my new goal:  PSYCHO!!  And not in a bunny-boiling kinda way!!  I am gonna post of pic of me doing what Crazy Tony is doing at the end of this Mudder training.  Mark my words!!

Excuse the over-the-top optimism today.  I'm just proud.  And a little bit crazy.


  1. I'm in 100%! I believe I just figured out how to blog back. Not much of an accomplishment in terms of tough mudder prep, but I'm thinking baby steps for today. Ang, my Amiga Mia has set the bar high for a post mudder celebration, but what better motivation to get off my butt and get ready! They say tomorrow never comes, but that doesn't hold much water when the tough mudder looms on the far horizon, which is soon to be tomorrow before I know it. Now I have a second accomplishment to look forward to; Psycho Tony push ups in a five star casino! I'll bring the pilot, Ang will bring the Bad A$$ery!


  2. Hopefully, there wil be plenty of Bad A$$ery to go around!! Your entire squadron is doing it, right? (I'm an Army girl, so I'm not sure I got the group designation right there). Can you talk tu esposa into doing the Mudder, too? I promise her pitchers and pitchers of sangria at that cool tappas bar if she does it with us!!
