Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 160: I like to smell bad...

I'm not French or anything.  I take baths or showers daily, use properly working deodorant and a splash of perfume or body spray on a regular basis.

I'm talking about smelling after a workout.  Not in a "you have such bad B.O. that I can't stand to be around you" kind of smell.  But I guess it's that thing Matthew McConaughey likes about himself.  Or maybe he's just weird, bongo playing in the front yard notwithstanding.  It's the smell of hard work.  Of pushing yourself beyond your limits.

Other things I really like:

I like it when my clothes are totally drenched with sweat. So much so that I have to peel them off, and everything from the rubber band keeping my sweaty hair out of my face and off of my shoulders down to the socks that at one time might have passed for white are still wet.

I like it when the towel I used during class is so soaked that I could wring it out.  I'd hate to be the folks who have to wash all the sweaty gym towels.  Ugh...that's for them.  I like my own sweaty smell, but not all the other hundreds of sweaty smells they must get stuck smelling everyday.

I like the creaky feel of muscles that just got worked, and will probably yell at me a little tomorrow, but that kinda sore is the really good kind, not the "fall down the stairs and bang yourself up" kind.  And I should know.  Because I've done that quite a bit, and it just hurts.

I like it when Channing Tatum shows up on time for my weekly massage.  Sometimes he's late, and you can't really blame him because he's famous and all but I like that he still makes the time.  Nice guy, good masseuse, and he can dance, too.

For all the ladies out there...
Yeah, well that last one is still in the "things that haven't quite materialized" category--I didn't actually get a massage from Channing today--but the other stuff, yeah, that's real.  I am smelly, my clothes were soaked when I peeled them off, and my muscles are creaky tonight.

And I like that.

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