The Killers are one of my favorite bands. They are here in concert on May 8th. The last time they were here, 6 years ago maybe, I was the coolest stepmom EVER and surrendered my coveted ticket so my stepdaughter could take a friend instead of hang with boring old me at the concert.
BIG MISTAKE. HUGE. I thought they'd be coming back soon, but no, the Killers were noticeably absent from Houston's concert scene for the last half-decade plus. With each new album release, I'd scan the concert sites, waiting, hoping, praying they'd be returning. It's been a long, long time.
But they'll be here. In two weeks.
And I don't have tickets.
They sold out so fast that I missed the first go-round, and now I have to wait to pay 4X face value on StubHub. It's worth it, for sure, but one of my learned ticket broker tricks is to wait until the day of, when the sellers get nervous that they won't be able to make anything off their purchase (that's what they get for trying to gouge us, right??), and I can pick them up for much, much cheaper. I got to sit in field level end zone tickets for a Cowboys game--preseason, I grant you--for $30 (Insert obligatory Cowboys jokes here), and I got FRONT ROW AISLE seats to the Lion King last summer for a song, all by waiting until the day of...
What in the world does this have to do with the Mudder, you ask? I'm getting there. Sheesh.
I kicked butt today. I got up, did chest and back on P90X, which was 150 (girl) pushups and 180 pull-ups (with the bands, not the bar, but it's supposed to work the same muscles, so I'm counting it for something!!), among other things. I also ate pretty darn close to perfectly (didn't eat or drink at thing at the Mexican food place where we sang karaoke tonight), and then I came home and did 30 minutes on my elliptical on the highest resistance level.
So yeah, a really good day. And can we get a "hallelujah" that I didn't have to stick a needle in my eye today. That woulda sucked.
I'm getting back in the groove, and I want to keep it up. So I'm making a deal with myself.
I will only buy tickets to The Killers if I keep up this momentum for the next 14 days. You know I'm serious if I put it in BOLD.
This could be my last chance in this decade to see them, based on their track record of concert stops in Houston.
I guess I'm on the honor system, but that's true of all of this training right? I mean, I'm the only one who gets screwed if I lie to myself and y'all.
So my challenge begins, or I guess, challenge within a challenge...and every good challenge needs a theme song. Since the Rocky song is taken, I'll have to pick something different. One of my favorites, and it's certainly applicable here, This Is Your Life, by the Killers.
"You gotta be stronger than the story. Don't let it blind you."
Sticking a needle in my eye might just have done that. Glad I didn't have to follow through on that.
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