Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 5, more or less--Bugs don't taste that bad

Still waiting on my dear, sweet friend to share her P90X with me, so right now I'm just running.  I have a long way to go to get back up to 10 miles.  Haven't run that far since 2009, and the last time I did it, I fell flat on my face and scraped up my knee and battered my ancient iPod during the San Antonio Rock & Roll half marathon because I got distracted by something shiney and tripped over a road hump.  A little traumatic and kind of embarrassing to have to limp the last couple of miles, bloody and beaten down, to the finish line.  But on the bright side, I'm glad I didn't fall down on mile 1.

So I went out running last night after supper, and while the weather was certainly much more pleasant than my morning run the day before, I wish I'd have been wearing one of those crazy looking beekeeper hats with the mesh veil thingie hanging down.  There were clouds of those annoying gnats all along the course last night.  I could see some of them coming and make sure to close my eyes and mouth before I hit them at full speed (which, I confess, feels like about 1 m.p.h. at this early stage in my training). Most of the time.  But I'm pretty sure I ate a few bugs last night.  And probably took some of their friends home in my hair.  No matter how carefully I chose my course, and how cautiously I rounded the corners, some bugs managed to find me.

Today's been a hard day.  For really no reason at all.  I've been much stronger lately. I have actually been moving ahead at a pretty nice pace, if I do say so myself.  And of course the ever-present support system in my life is a life-saver.  A special shout-out today to a new member of that team who has already made a big impact in a very short time.

But despite how strong I feel and how carefully I plan to avoid all things that could cause a bad day, sometimes when dealing with things like heartbreak, the occasional bad day--like a cloud of bugs on an evening run--is unavoidable. 

All you can do is get through the day and hope the bugs are gone tomorrow.  And if they're not, go a little slower and know that if you end up breathing in a few, they aren't gonna kill ya.

Today I'm after the strength to recognize that clouds of bugs don't have to ruin your day, or your progress.  Just keep moving forward.

P90X is tomorrow.  Wish me luck, friends.  At least there are no clouds of bugs in my exercise room!!  If you don't hear from me by noon, chances are, I might have just died.

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