Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 6, kinda--P90x is so stinkin' easy... carry out to my car this morning from my friend who forgot to send it home from school with my kid yesterday.

So I got a one-day pass on starting this exercise program from hell. 

Nothing to report--just didn't want anyone to wonder if I actually did die.


  1. Enjoy P90X. I'm about to start up P90x2 for the second time (I did phase 1 for about 3 weeks before ski vacation in March, then slacked). It's greatness. It's perfect training for the Tough Mudder. But I'd replace the KenpoX (and maybe YogaX) routine with a mid-distance (5-7 miles) run to make sure your running stamina is where it needs to be for the race. KenpoX is too easy and won't get you there. YogaX is great, but its 1.5 hour routine and you'll prob need more running training to make it hte distance of the mudder. But it's a great recovery and all-body workout, so leave it in if you want. Good luck!

  2. Thanks Sean!! Very helpful advice. How many Mudders have you done?

  3. No Mudders here. I trained for one, then got injured along with all of my team so we bailed it. I'll do one for sure. But I think I want to do another triathlon first. I did one of those a year or so ago and it was awesome fun. Anyway, the TM "training program" they suggested when I signed up for the Mudder is basically a mashup of different moves found in the various p90x routines. I did do P90X. It's hard. It will get you in serious shape. Be ready for serious soreness. The first two weeks of that routine I was so muscle sore my aching arms hurt so bad theywoke me up in the middle of the night.

    P90X is definitely more focused on strength, overall body training than cardio. PlyoX is insane cardio, but the rest of the routines are all muscle builders and less cardio-focused. The weight circuits will get your cardio system healthy and strong, just not 10 mile run efficient alone (in my humble opinion). But if you can complete the p90x program, you can do the mudder even if it's at a slower mile per minute pace. It will definitely get you ready.

  4. Thanks!! I actually have a friend Sean who didn't get to do his Mudder last year bc his whole team got hurt. Must be something with the name...

    Tri's are not for me...I'll die on the swim. Good luck with your next one!!

    I'm not looking to blow this thing out--survival is my goal--so hopefully I'll be ready enough in 4 months to do that.

    Appreciate the advice. Glad to hear P90X is a good way to go. I was struggling to stick with the bootcamp from the website bc I'm kind of a slacker and need to be yelled at. I hear the P90X guy is a yeller.
