Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 4--I smell bad

Summer's definitely here.  I don't know this because the kids are excited that school's almost out.  Or because you can find fresh corn in HEB.  Or because all my favorite shows are over till the end of October.  I know it because 2 hours after coming in from my run, I'm still sweaty. 

And I smell horrible.  I have a day of yardwork planned, so not much sense in showering just to get sweaty and smelly again.  Call me a conservationist.  Or lazy.  But there's no one to impress, and I imagine the guys in Lowe's are used to smelly customers.

There's just something about a run.  My Tough Mudder Hardcore Bad A$$ partner and I were just chatting about this yesterday.  It doesn't matter how slow.  It doesn't matter that everyone passing by in cars, on bikes, or on foot thinks you're about to keel over.  It does something to you.  Well, it does lots of things to you, but mentally, there's nothing better than an hour run to clear your head.  It has the power to do so many things, but my favorite is the free therapy it provides.

I had some trouble today because it's so frickin' hot already, even at 7:00 a.m.  I may have to move to Colorado to train for this race.  I have to get used to the heat and humidity again, but I know I will.  I always end up training for something over the summer.  I'll adjust.

There's just something about sweat.  The soak-you-through kind.  The have-to-peel-your-clothes-off kind.  It is the clearest message there is that you're working, and you're working hard.  And getting stronger.  Maybe not by much.  But every day, with every run, with every drop of sweat, you are getting stronger.

So today I'm sporting my sweaty stench as a badge of honor.  If you see me around town, stay a good 15 feet away.  I'll know why.

Today I worked for the strength to just keep putting one foot in front of the other.  I got my sweat on and moved forward.  Today, I am proud.  And I definitely didn't die.

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