Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 18 - Sunny stole my American Gladiator name.

I realized that today is July 6th.  Friday.  One of my very favorite friend's birthdays.  The night of our Magic Mike and Dancing Girls Night Out.  And exactly 3 months until the Tough Mudder.
Please excuse me while I step outside and SCREAM.  [Screaming begins in 3, 2, 1...]

I don't know where the last month went.  True, I can now do 15 boy push-ups in a row, but I have not mastered a pull-up on the bar yet.  I'm supposed to be able to do 6 by October 6th. 

Deep breath.

And this last week has been a total wash.  I had some stress early in the week that completely distracted me, and then we had the holiday break, and there was definitely some unhealthy eating on the 4th (oreo balls, guacamole, cheeseburgers in paradise) and drinking (the name of what we were drinking is not appropriate for all audiences), which wouldn't have been so bad if I'd been P90Xing, which I wasn't.  I did one day.  And it intimidated the heck out of me.  I mostly sat there and watched as The Guy Who Can't Seem to Stop Talking do all these crazy types of push-ups, including the kind where you clap in the middle and jump off the ground, somehow, in the horizontal position.  I guess you push yourself up so high you leave the ground.  Not sure about the physics involved (TMP, some help here?)  Either way, I couldn't do it.  So I sat there, feeling more lost than I did on Day 1, during a lot of the crazy new brand of push-ups he expected me to do.  And then we've been out later than normal almost every day this week, so getting up in the morning has been a challenge.  I.E., I didn't get up early this week.

So it looks like I need to get some discipline back up in here.  I found all sorts of great quotes on Pinterest about discipline.  Too bad I wasn't persuaded by them to actually be motivated.  Knowing I've got only 3 months left to get my running where it needs to be (it's currently at 0 m.p.h. because I'm not doing it) and turn into one of the chicks from American Gladiator should be motivation enough.  I wonder if I need a special Tough Mudder name like the AG girls had.  The girl gladiators were named Diamond, Blaze, Ice, Sky, Lace, Siren, Jazz, Storm, Elecktra, Sunny, Flame, Sahara, Astra, Lightning, Jet, Vogue, Zodiac, Lynx, and Dallas.  They actually sound a whole lot more like strippers than gladiators.  The dudes have super tough names like Turbo, Nitro, and Diesel.  I think I earned the title of Serpent Slayer last month when I decapitated the scary brown (could have been a copperhead) snake in my closet, but it sounds like a name I'd have if I played Dungeons and Dragons.  I've never played, but the guys on Big Bang Theory were playing it the other day, and they all seemed to have funny names.  So Serpent Slayer won't really work.  Besides, I can't really accessorize that in any meaningful way on Tough Mudder day.  I actually like Sunny.  Because the sun's yellow, and yellow's my favorite color, and sunflowers are my favorite flowers, and Sunny sounds like a nice person.  But not real tough, I'll admit.  I'll keep thinking, and suggestions are surely welcome.

Okay, so 4 hours at the gym planned for tomorrow, a run on Sunday morning, and take 2 of week 6 of P90x starting Monday.  I'm saying it aloud so it will happen.  I'm writing it down so I can't not do it.  I'm putting it in cyberspace so I've essentially made a promise to all the folks who read my blog.  I don't know who you are, but it means a lot to me to not break my word to you.  Or whatever.  I'm just trying to make myself wake up and quit acting like I have all year to get ready for this crazy race from hell.  Three months.  90 days.  Lord help me.  I think I might die.

My tombstone would say, "Here lies Angie, a.k.a., the Serpent Slayer, a.k.a., Sunny the Gladiator.  She's here because she didn't get her butt outta bed in the morning to do P90x and out the door to run and to the gym to work out, so she died trying to do the Tough Mudder, just like she thought she might.  Dummy."

Maybe my gladiator name should be Dummy.

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