Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 14--You can go back again. Also, I had a Mudder dream.

I used to be a member of Lifetime Fitness.  Charter member of our local one, in fact.  And it was a life-saver when I got laid off back in '09.  I spent most of my free time there because I didn't have much else to do.  The economy was in the toilet (was?) and there were no jobs to be found, so I got up and 5:00 and hit the 5:15 a.m. spin class three times a week, and then when I dropped my kiddo off at school, I'd ride my bike up there and stay for 2 or 3 more classes.  I loved it there.  And then my world kinda got turned upside down when my ex moved out and I had to get a full-time job again, and I didn't feel right about sticking my kid in the gym's day care after being in school all day and with sitters all afternoon.  So I quit.  But I've really missed it.

Last weekend when I hibernated in my house with very little human contact unless you count Jason Stackhouse on True Blood, I decided I needed to find something to do on the weekends when my kiddo is gone.  I'm not much for alone-time, but I couldn't really think of anything I like to do that doesn't involve my friends or my kid, something I'd feel comfortable doing on my own.  Aside from shopping.  I'd do that all day every day if I could spend someone else's money.  But obviously, there's limits to how much shopping one can do.  Well, unless you're a Kardashian.

And then I remembered the gym.  I couldn't really get in trouble there.  Well, not the same kind I'd get into at Target, for sure.  And it'd just be more Mudder training.  Perfect!  I called them right up today and signed back up, and we went after work to get our pictures taken and get our paperwork.  We're officially back!!

Whoever said you can't go back again never quit and rejoined Lifetime Fitness.  Because they let me right back in and sent me home with $300 worth of MyLT bucks so I can get massages and go to boot camp and have personal training sessions.  They welcomed me (and my monthly membership fee) back with open arms.  Who needs a boy in your life when your gym treats you so well.  Right?  Yeah...I's not even the same.  I'd much rather have the boy.  Oh well.  Maybe that's what they meant when they said you can't go back again.  They probably weren't talking about renewing your gym membership.  Well, there were some cute boys there, too, which might come in handy when I finish this Mudder and am ready to rejoin the dating world.

Who am I kidding?  I swear I could do 5 Mudders and probably still won't be ready to rejoin the dating world!!  Probably bc I'd be dead, but assuming I survive, I can't imagine being ready for that in just 4 months.  Stupid stupid heart just won't cooperate with my carefully planned schedule for healing.  Hurry up, stupid stupid heart!

Speaking of the Mudder, I had a dream last night that we were already finished, and my TMP won some award for being a BadA$$ runner, and the guys hired him or something to train people on how to run.  He was showing some lady how to run without dragging her left foot behind her.  I was impressed.  Of course, I already know he's a BadA$$.  But I was mad because they'd run out of orange headbands just before we got done.  And that's really why I am doing all this work--who doesn't want a neon orange headband to wear around town??  There better be plenty of headbands left when I crawl across that finish line, or I'm cracking skulls.

I don't remember what tomorrow is on P90X, but I'm pretty sore from arms and shoulders today.  I upped my weight so that I was lifting more than the chick on the video.  That's a good sign, right?  I still struggle with triceps dips, but jeez, who doesn't?  Besides the Guy Who Can't Stop Talking.  He can do them one-legged and one-armed balancing upside down on a chair suspended from a pull-up bar.  But also, his arms are the size of trees. 

Tonight, I hope to have good dreams.  Finishing the Mudder in my dream was pretty cool.  But I wasn't muddy.  Maybe that's why I didn't get a headband.


  1. To put it mildly, crack me up! I love you Ang!!!!

  2. Love you too, Tracie!! Glad to be back at LTF so I can see you more often!! Miss you girl!
